Things That Are Scuk

Just to name a couple...

  • string cheese
  • lemonade...although liz likes the urine kind, while uma is more into the bubble-gum variety
  • lipids with phosphate heads
  • kenickie!
  • My So-Called Life, of course

  • gluesticks
  • little umbrellas in drinks
  • globes (always have one handy!)
  • finding money in couch cushions
  • electric warming socks

  • Shimelle Laine
  • fangs like Liz's
  • those colorful little-kid barrettes with the animals and stuff on 'em
  • turtles
  • Suharto. Except that he's really not scuk one bit. I only put him because I like to lie. (Oh fine! You can have a scuk one then. Cloring books and crayons, they are very scuk.)

  • PVC! (it's my favorite plastic, and you ought to know why)
  • bubbles
  • Liz98: more features, more speed, and triple the cuteness of vintage liz
  • Uma's new platform shoes and Liz's silver semiformal shoes (liz notes: I now have a matching silver dress, and oh, it's pretty)
  • WE are scukker than you could ever hope to be

BACk to SCUk now that you're so well-versed in its denotation. or perhaps not.


What is Scuk...the word?

We can't tell you. But it's something good.

What is Scuk...the page?

Scuk is a webpage by the fantabulous Liz and Uma, two cuties from New York and Florida, respectively. It's comprised of Buckle Ducks, a collection of stuff they write; the Official Shimelle Laine Fan Club, the official club for the actress that's as cute as we are; and some section or other having something vaguely to do with My So-Called Life. And it's got lots of stuff where we insult each other and talk about how we're so adorable and Liz moans and groans around about how much she misses Uma and Uma doesn't say anything because she doesn't really exist.

Who are these Liz and Uma, anyway?

A quick run-down:
  • name: liz (there's like 9 other pieces to it but they change constantly anyway)
  • aspirations: to convince everyone in the world that she's cuter than they are, and to draw really good stick figure comic books in German
  • best feature: fangs. they really work.
  • recent developments: she has a real home now, including a beautiful bedroom that is creamy yellow, green-grey, chartreuse, turquoise, and white.
  • current status: contemplating chopping off her hair and letting it return to its natural color--but has she both the resolve and patience?? only time will tell.

  • name: uma (she's also got some sort of last name but she can't make her mind up about it, it would seem)
  • aspirations: to find her car, which she has misplaced
  • best feature: smile. it's quite Mona Lisa-esque, fittingly enough.
  • recent developments: she was working at the Fresh Market: "its like not really a grocery store, cause you can't buy tooth paste there or anything.. they are like i don't know.. ill take apicture and give it to you guys, its like pretty, not a pink pretty more of a red pretty or perhaps marroon"--Ummers (On her old place of employment, the Pain Cave: "oh a verrry strang eplace, like they sold clothes and peiced people". Uma maintains that she herself was never in simultaneous contact with a piercing gun and a customer, and the world is thankful.)
  • current status: unknown but believed to be alive as she has made a few mysterious appearances recently. will these begin to be consistent events? unlikely, but you never can tell with that one.

No, come on...What is Scuk the Word, really?

a beloved typo of Uma's