So I, Liz, founder of the Shimelle Laine Fan Club, met the future-Leo-fiancee herself. I was at my oh-so-exciting school carnival, trying to convince poor unsuspecting stupid people in my grade to buy disgusting frozen drinks and waiting for the Shimster, with whom I had talked to on the phone the previous night and made a plan to (finally!) meet. Then, giving up on the drink-selling endeavor (I tried, really, I did, but I think those things were really rancid) when anyway, I was talking to these two girls from my school when I get tapped from behind and I turn around and there's Shimelle!
The first thing that I should say is that she really does glitter. I knew she was with her grandparnts that day, so I didn't know if she'd be less glittery or what, but she most certainly sparkled and it looked quite good on her. So after we'd said hi and admired each other's outfits for a bit (she had on a really cute comic strip shirt, and I had a raincoat made out of PVC [digression: that raincoat is really beautiful...bright yellow with black corduroy cuffs and collar inside and a little pride rainbow...*sigh*...anyway]), I was thinking, hmm. you know, there's a marriage booth here, and I think it would be really cool to marry Shimelle. So I went to the booth with ehr so we could get married but no one was there and then I figured out why: I was supposed to be working there. So I pronounced us married and was done with it. And then after we'd chatted for like 10, maybe 15 minutes she had to go.
But haha, I married Shimelle and you didn't. And I'm not even Leo DiCaprio.