We at the Official Shimelle Laine Fan Club are proud to offer our NEW Official Guestbook. Look below to find out what Shimelle fans everywhere are saying! (Note: Now the OLD guestbook. Just so you know.) |
My Email:BenjIssac@aol.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: from mom
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: Nunsense
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: met her when she was 5
another cool page kid. Keep it up and contiued good luck to ya.hugs and kisses,Dad
Sara - 11/11/97 00:25:03
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~sparklez/mypage.html (or thats what it will be soon :)
My Email:sparklez@ix.netcom.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: Derrick!!!!!
What should we add to the webpage?: Um...me as a fan club member :)
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?: just join up...I guess.
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: um...they were all so good that I'm at a loss for words
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: the mscl list :)
Shim, you're just too cool, and you know that we all love you! have a glittertastic life ;-) (Note from Liz: it was Sara that reminded me to restart the Shimpage on Scuk! Yayyyy Sara!)
Brian Krakow - 10/27/97 01:36:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/1901/shimelle.html
My Email:krakow@beer.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: The fairies told me
What should we add to the webpage?: a guest book... ;)
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?: I think you should give all her fans free plane tickets so we can go visit her... well.. you can give them to only me if you want ..
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: Razzy's Apartment
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: i just followed the trail of glitter ... and there she was..
This Page rocks! keep up the good work lizard!!
lizzzeeeee - 09/17/97 22:58:10
My Email:crimsonglow@mindless.com
You are so the coolest....wish I could meet you in December. :~( Until we finally do meet, though, you are the best and I love you shimme!!!
Kris or Kristoffer either way... - 07/14/97 09:38:00 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/3788
My Email:ksc
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: The thought of Larisa Oleynik was in my mind, then a vague or rather a faint whisper blew into my ears and said, "S--H---I----M-----E------L-------L--------E L-----A----N---E." ;
Well to tell ya the truth I saw her name on PEOPLES Online thingy when I was looking for LO. (Note from Liz: he's talking about People Magazine's Most Beautiful People contest, where, pre-OSLFC, Shimelle's fans got together to vote for her and some also wrote about her talent and beauty in the message boards. Yay!)
What should we add to the webpage?: Anything that best discribes this talented, kind, etc etc...
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC shoul
work?: i have no idea on this one.
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: From what I have heard from people online, EVERYTHING! even though I haven't seen any of her movies or shows. btw: I am from Australia. Shimelle herself told
e that none of her shows have ever been aired in Australia. =(. So if anyone out there with an Audio file of one of Shimelle's movie, then could u direcet me to the URL or email it to me. ;) thanx!
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: By acci
ent! ;) I was surfen through the net looking for LO, and I came across PEOPLE Online voting thingy... I wanted to vote but I arrived too late! doh! And I was writing some msg's for LO, I came across Shimelle Laine and Larisa Oleynik. and I asked whois i
Shimelle Laine? Then, day or so later I found out that Shimelle dropped by and said, thanx to her fans and Larisa hasn't. So I wrote her an email saying are you really Shimelle Laine? etc etc... anyways better stop here cos this is taking room... Cya
This page is one of the C°°Lest if not BEST! but... I think Shimelle's own home page is much better! ;) but this is tops! too.
Tim the Enchanter, Slayer of All Good, Root of All Evil - 07/08/97 04:12:41 GMT
My URL:http://www.borderbandit.net/~tim
My Email:tim@borderband
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: I reached into my scrabble bang and pulled out a lot of letters. I put the letters in a row and they spelled out a URL that was almost but not completely not her url. Then I asked my dog. She
lied to me also. Finally, I gave up, and sat down. Little did I know that I sat on my keyboard and it spelled out her URL.
What should we add to the webpage?: Super Duper Presto Magico Smello-Rama Inline Telephones
How do you think members
ips to the OSLFC should work?: Anyone who is way cool and has way cool hair (but not as way cool as mine) may join, everyone else will perish in the firey pits of my doggy's breath.
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: How can I choo
e when everything is perfection :)
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: The voices inside my head told me.... At least, that's what the germans would have us believe
I Know the answer to the ultimate question of why we
xist, why we have sex, and why so much of our lives are involved with sex. The answer is........ +++Carrier Lost+++
Daughter of the Shrinks of the Round Table - 06/28/97 13:18:48 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/3919/index.html
My Email:crimsonglow@mindless.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: I was sitting in my room one day and a bird flew in the window. I said "go back where you belong filthy hummingbird!" but it said "Visit the Shi
elle Page!" and flew into the window, and its blood formed the URL on the glass.
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: To get to the other side! oh, wait....erm...can you repeat the question?
I love you Shimelle. You sho
ld be getting a phone call from me on Sunday. 'Til then, much love to you always ~!~ liz
Elizabeth DiSabato - 06/27/97 12:42:17 GMT
My Email:elizabeth_firth@carleton.ca
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: Goddess Liz
What should we add to the webpage?:
a picture
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?: free will donation
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: whatever is current
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: MSCL listie!!
Shimelle is so amazing that her performance took my breath away... and I wasn't even there (although, as Rickie would say, I have heard so much about it, I feel like I was there.) My only reason for living is the hope that she might mention me in her O
car acceptance speech.
Brandy Wegner - 06/27/97 01:24:16 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8043
My Email:brandaluna@earthling.net
you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: my little sister
What should we add to the webpage?: pictures of the shimelle, warrior princess
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?: those that love shimelle with a pure h
art should be allowed *smile*
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: West Side Story
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: MSCL mailing list
Rock on, sister friend!
Brem X - 06/27/97 01:19:39 GMT
My URL:http://bath.ac.uk/~bs4kmg/bxj.html
My Email:gillenk@sembilan.uchsc.edu
How you heard of
the webpage and the OSLFC: I looked into my Breakfast cereal and the URL was there. It scared me
What should we add to the webpage?: More pictures of Brem. Or shim. Or something.
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?:
You have to kill a Hansun Brother and turn him into a rug.
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: Whenever she opens her moutha nd lets beauty flow forth
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: She stole my Brothers T-shirt. I ch
sed her in my tank. The rest is history/
Och, I don't have time you know.
Haley - 06/26/97 23:06:03 GMT
My URL:http://members.aol.com/phat99/
My Email:halestorms@aol.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLF
: word of mouth
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: Razzy's Apartment (crimson glow with black streaks? too cool!)
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: word of mouth also
Mike L - 06/26/97 15:10:07 GMT
My URL:http://melrose.base.org
My Email:mikebdi@hempseed.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: Wh
t is OFlFC?
What should we add to the webpage?: A Glossary (Note from Liz: cool idea! Encyclopedia Shimellica time!...or something)
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: Too tough to choose!...she should be in Melrose Place!
Amu - 06/26/97 14:36:12 GMT
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Track/4585
My Email:jkearney@highway1.com
w you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: personal stuff reasons
What should we add to the webpage?: picture of Shimelle
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?: see above or below
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/
pera/whatever: ditto
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: I am her #1 fan along with others, soo I don't know what # that is
I just can't get enough of you Shimelle, that is why I felt the urge to come to the book t
ice. After all she is my personal consultant. :)
Uma - 06/26/97 06:41:00 GMT
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Track/4585
My Email:jkearney@highway1.com
ou heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: A little lizard told me
What should we add to the webpage?: hmmm, quotes, an interveiw
How do you think memberships to the OSLFC should work?: If another member is needed, then accept applicat
ons and vote
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/whatever: The soon to be nunsense
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: She came to me in a vision
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field - 06/25/97 22:46:48 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/3919/index.html
My Email:crimsonglow@mindless.com
How you heard of the webpage and the OSLFC: I made the webpage and founded the OSLFC!
What should we add to the webpage?: I wish people would tell me...
Favorite Shimelle movie/play/opera/wha
ever: hmm...I think I have to go with Razzy's Apartment.
How did you first hear of Shimelle?: Through the My So-Called Life mailing list
Okay, everyone, this is the OSLFC President telling you to get out there and s
gn the Shimbook, and, don't forget to vote for her next time the People's Most Beautiful People contest comes around! Thanks!