Let me check real quick... Yep there is still a pulse.. I must be alive, sane maybe not quite but alive yes indeedy.so there you go on that one.
The next order of business is, the basic layout of Scuk. I will explain it for you poor confused souls, you know who you are (clears throat and gazes pointedly at Nic). Ahem. So. There are 4 major parts. The first is sort of the "self-aware" part: the letters from the editor, the What is Scuk? bit, stuff about Uma and myself, and the Spirit Page for the Site Fights. The next is buckle ducks; basically it's writing that we do. Mostly fiction. The Shimelle page is stuff about Shimelle; the My So-Called Life page is stuff about MSCL. Each of these pretty much have their own subdirectory in an attempt to make things easier, and at the bottom of every individual page within Scuk you will see a link back to Scuk and also back to the main page of whatever subdirectory it's in, if it's in BD, Shim, or MSCL. That all is not too complicated. A legitimate question though might be, "What do these things have in common, and why are they all on the same site?" The answer is that Scuk is about Liz and Uma, and so it has on it stuff about Liz and Uma and the things that they like (such as Shimelle). So the common element between everything here is that it is all connected to us and what we are interested in. And if you are like us, maybe you'll be interested in them too. And if you aren't very interested in them, you probably aren't cute enough to be friends with us anyway.
Finally, colors. People have been complaining about the color schemes we have, especially on the What is Scuk? page, it seems. As Nic wrote:
oh, and I'm gonna ask a personal favour which you prolly wont carry out but I'll ask anyway... change the colours! :) I don't know whether it's the lovely 'slime-green' background or the lovely 'vomit-orange' links, but something makes me naseous (how the *hell* do you spell that?!? :) ) every time I go there... :) ok, nevermind, but I thought it was worth mentioning... :)I don't know if other people are reacting as violently, but what I was wondering is, are the pages actually unreadable, or are they just ugly? 'Cause if you can't see the text, then that's a problem. But if you just don't like it...you're going to need to deal, because me and Uma are very serious about our colors and certainly aren't going to change them on YOUR account, no matter how adorable you may be. So yeah. Let us know, or learn to live with it.
In other news, I chopped off some of my hair and it looks nice.
love, glitter, colors that don't really clash, and discarded locks of crimson glow,
but I think you have to have, like, funky and make-you-sick colour schemes, cos it's part of the charm of scuk... :) ('this place is horribly weird, but in a good way'... you'd lose some of that if you just had normal colours... :) )