Fiction    by    Uma!

The True Story of MSCL

This is a post Uma sent to the MSCL list on September 29, 1997.

   Uma says "HI!!
   Liz says "bye!!"

Okay well now that liz is gon I can really say what I want to.  
Which is Just really important.  

  See it all started when I was 7,At least that wha the woman on the tv 
said, she she was talking to me.

 Oh yeah anyhow.  So I was 7 and there was this dream I had.  In it 
there was a big teddy bear.  And it was really mean.  So then MSCl came 
on well it didn't come on tv, like the pschic lady.  It came on in my 
head So i desided to find a person named Claire, I knew how to do it 
too.A voice came froom my bathroom saying.
  If you flush me, she will come.
So I did and this chick was in the shower, I don't know how.  I blame it 
on bad plumbing.  So I found her and some others and we made a show,the 
theme of it was from Alex Trubeck, it was his life, before he got that 
other show.  You know he really doesn' know those answers from jeopardy.  
Sooo yeah thats how it all started, from the psychic on tv in the 

No i am not on ethe list but though you all should finally know this.